Minnehaha Falls Wedding Photos – Jess & Ashton Teasers

I love the adventurous photos I get to take and the adventurous people I get to work with.  Meet Ashton and Jessica!  I heard about this wedding the weekend before as the wedding was put together hastily and only with immediate family!  Since they’re planning on having a larger wedding later on, Ashton and Jessica wanted to keep everything small and intimate.  We had some great Minnehaha Falls wedding photos today with a phenomenal group of people.  Once we post the rest of the session later this week, you’re going to be able to tell how much these two care about each other.  Here are some of the adventurous things we had happen at today’s wedding.  First, it’s pretty adventurous to have a spontaneous wedding.  Additionally, these two were willing to hike up the side of a huge muddy hill (in dress blues and wedding dress nonetheless) to get to a neat photo opportunity.  THEN, we even convinced other people to join us and be “props” in our wedding photos (HUGE thank yous to Rachel and Michael).  All-in-all, a pretty great day.  If you’re interested in getting your own Minnehaha Falls wedding photos, or choosing your own unique place to get hitched, use our contact form to drop us a line and let us know you’d like to work with us!  Last but not least, check out our last vacation photos in Arizona by following this link here (you can also see the engagement session we shot while there).

Thanks for reading!

lumen photography, adventurous photography, minnehaha falls wedding photos, minnesota, minneapolis, couture, ashton, jessica


To see examples of other wedding photos click here to check out the rest of our adventurous Minnesota Wedding Blog!


lumen photography, adventurous photography, minnehaha falls wedding photos, minnesota, minneapolis, couture, ashton, jessica

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